January 09, 2024
Adam Witty: Writing Your Success Story with Forbes Books
Adam Witty / Founder & CEO of Forbes Books
Adam Witty is the Founder and CEO of Forbes Books, the book publishing brand of Forbes Media, publisher of Forbes Magazine. What began in the spare bedroom of his home is now one of the most respected independent business...
January 03, 2024
Paul Sparrow: The Chief Outsiders Approach to Marketing Leadership
Paul Sparrow / Managing Partner of Chief Outsiders
Paul Sparrow is a Managing Partner at Chief Outsiders. A former small business owner-operator and Chief Marketing Officer, he has run marketing and sales organizations at Johnson & Johnson, WebMD Transaction Services...
December 20, 2023
Tim Kennedy: Building Excellence with Trident Construction
Tim Kennedy / President of Trident Construction
Tim joined Trident Construction in 1987 after graduating from Clemson University with a degree in Construction Science.