The Importance of STEM Education

Meagan Naraine & Tamir Mickens / Co-Founders of Culturally Relevant Science

April 26, 2023

Guest Bio

Meagan Naraine & Tamir Mickens / Co-Founders of Culturally Relevant Science

Culturally Relevant Science (CRsci) is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to creating innovative, affordable, and inclusive STEM education for all students, especially those from underrepresented communities. We believe that every student, regardless of how they identify, deserves to see themselves represented in STEM, so that their engagement, achievement, and pursuit of STEM careers will increase.

Meagan Naraine Bio:
Meagan is an experienced Science Educator and Curriculum Developer from Atlanta, GA. She has data showing >10% growth in student achievement on Georgia Milestones. Using her Biology B.S. from Emory, she taught 10th grade biology in Fulton County for 4 years, and currently teaches 8th grade physical science in Atlanta Public Schools. Additionally, she is a NSF-DSPETL Teacher Fellow at Georgia State. Through this, she earned her M.A.T. in Science Education/Broad-Field Science.

Tamir Mickens Bio:
Tamir is an experienced Instructional Coach, Science Educator, and Digital Content Creator from Atlanta, GA. He taught 11th grade physics and 8th grade physical science in Clayton County for 6 years, and has been a science Instructional Coach in Fulton County since 2019. Additionally, he has developed impressive talents in creating engaging and inclusive digital science curriculum. He is a proud undergraduate of Morehouse College and received his M.Ed. from Georgia State.

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Culturally Relevant Science